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  • Cleaning Services for Airports: Keeping Travelers Healthy and Happy

    Cleaning Advice / February 7, 2024


    Airports see thousands of travellers pass through their terminals each day. With people coming from all over the world, airports can be a hotbed for germs and bacteria. Having proper cleaning and sanitation practices in place is critical for keeping travellers healthy and airports running smoothly. Professional commercial cleaning services play an integral role in maintaining clean, hygienic environments in airports.

    The Importance of Cleaning in Airports

    Airports have a responsibility to provide clean and sanitary facilities for travellers. Proper disinfection and cleaning helps prevent the spread of illnesses like colds, flu and more serious diseases. It also creates a positive impression of the airport for visitors. Clean airport facilities show travellers that proper care and diligence is taken to ensure their health and comfort.

    Some areas that require thorough, regular cleaning in airports include:

    • Bathrooms – These high-traffic spaces need disinfecting and sanitising to prevent the spread of germs. Surfaces like sinks, toilets and door handles need frequent wiping down.
    • Terminal seating – Chairs in waiting areas can collect germs from the hundreds of passengers that cycle through each day. Regular wipe-downs of chair arms and backs helps keep seating areas clean.
    • Security bins – Items like shoes, laptops and liquids placed in security bins can harbour bacteria. Bins need routine cleaning and disinfecting, especially during peak travel times.
    • Escalators and elevators – Handrails can collect germs from people’s hands. Frequent wipe-downs with disinfectant help mitigate the spread of illnesses.
    • Dining areas – Tables, chairs and countertops in airport restaurants get heavy use. Thorough cleaning between customers helps prevent the transfer of germs.

    Professional Airport Cleaning Services

    Cleaning crews that service airports require specialised training and equipment. The unique needs of an airport environment demand cleaners are prepared to provide sanitisation practices that meet the highest standards.

    Some key tasks professional airport cleaning crews handle include:

    • Terminal disinfection – Crews use hospital-grade disinfectants to sanitise high-touch areas like check-in kiosks, countertops, door handles, railings and elevator buttons.
    • Restroom cleaning – Bathrooms receive deep cleaning and sanitisation multiple times per day. Plumbing fixtures, floors, walls and changing stations are thoroughly disinfected.
    • Seating area care – Crews thoroughly wipe down all public seating areas, including chair backs, armrests and sides.
    • Carpet care – Carpets in high-traffic airport areas require frequent vacuuming, stain removal and deep cleaning.
    • Window washing – Professional crews use equipment like scissor lifts to access and clean airport windows, keeping public areas bright and appealing.
    • Trash removal – Cleaning personnel promptly empty trash bins and replace liners to maintain cleanliness.

    Products Used By Airport Cleaning Crews

    Specialty cleaning agents and equipment used by airport cleaning crews help maximise sanitisation efforts:

    • Disinfectant wipes – Wipes pre-saturated with hospital-grade disinfectants allow quick wipe downs of surfaces between deep cleanings.
    • Backpack vacuums – Lightweight, portable vacuums allow cleaning staff to efficiently vacuum hard-to-reach areas.
    • Microfiber cloths – Microfiber cloths trap and remove germs from surfaces more effectively than traditional rags.
    • Electrostatic sprayers – These sprayers give disinfectants an electric charge so they adhere thoroughly to all types of surfaces.
    • Scissor lifts – Lifts give crews access to clean hard-to-reach airport windows and ceilings.

    Keeping Travelers Healthy

    Airports carry an enormous responsibility in protecting the health and safety of the travelling public. Partnering with professional cleaning companies that have extensive experience servicing airport facilities is key. Trained crews using proven protocols and industry-leading equipment provide the level of cleaning and disinfection travellers need.

    Meticulous, round-the-clock cleaning shows passengers that their health is a priority. It also enables airports to maintain their reputation and operate successfully. Investing in comprehensive cleaning services is one of the most important things an airport can do to keep travellers happy, safe and healthy.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How often should cleaning be done in airports?

    High-traffic areas should be disinfected multiple times per day. Bathrooms, seating areas and security bins need cleaning after peak periods. Less used areas can be cleaned daily.

    What areas are most important to keep clean?

    Bathrooms, seating areas, dining spaces and check-in areas require the most frequent cleaning since they have high passenger contact. Escalator rails and elevator buttons also need regular disinfection.

    What products do professional cleaning crews use?

    Hospital-grade disinfectants, electrostatic sprayers, microfiber cloths and portable vacuums allow crews to thoroughly sanitise airport facilities.

    How can travellers stay healthy at airports?

    Washing hands frequently, using disinfecting wipes on surfaces like armrests, and avoiding touching the face can help travellers stay healthy while travelling. Consuming immunity-boosting foods like citrus, yogurt and nuts can also help.

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