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  • How Much Does Pressure Cleaning Cost In Brisbane?

    Cleaning Advice / July 31, 2024


    Brisbane has warm winters and humid weather in general. It creates the ideal environment for algae growth on your driveway and home exterior. Plus, there’s the normal buildup of dirt and oil stains. All this creates a slippery and unhygienic outdoors. Professional pressure cleaning is the most effective way to deal with this. Brisbane pressure cleaning services don’t have a fixed price. It can be as low as 150$ and go up to 500$. A lot of factors influence the cost of pressure washing in Brisbane. These include expertise, surface type, and difficulty levels. Pressure washing rates also vary according to the service provider.

    Estimated Pressure Cleaning Cost In Brisbane

    It’s best to request pressure washing quotes from your target provider. This will give you the most accurate estimation.

    You can also get a rough idea by reviewing the top services in the Brisbane area. Pressure washing hourly rates are around $40-$60 for some services. Others charge by square metre or type of area.

    Pressure Cleaning Price

    Pressure Cleaning Price Per Square Metre

    Square metre pricing is helpful when you are pressure cleaning an entire facility. Commercial pressure cleaning is a good example of this. The rates vary across service providers. Most cleaners charge $150 for 1-30 m2. That means your pressure cleaning costs won’t get any cheaper than $150.

    You have to pay $180 to clean 40 square metres of area. The price rises to $200 when cleaning 50 m2 of space. A 100-square-metre area costs $325 to clean.

    This is the price model most pressure cleaners in the Brisbane area follow. However, it can change depending on the job’s difficulty level. So, you should prepare to pay more per square metre if the space is too dirty. For example, a commercial facility that hasn’t been pressure-cleaned in many years.

    Residential Pressure Cleaning

    Many professional pressure cleaning services don’t quote hourly or sq.m rates for homes. They quote residential cleaning costs according to different pressure-cleaning surface types. These include the driveway, patio, roof, and exterior wall.


    The pressure washing cost for a residential driveway in Brisbane is around $150-$200. This applies to the common concrete driveways with moderate staining. Such driveways don’t require too much time or effort to clean. As a result, you can pay the lowest price.

    You may have to pay a higher price if the job is more challenging. Oil and grease can enter deep into the porous concrete. This can create very stubborn stains in driveways that no one has cleaned in years. Here, you’ll need deep-pressure cleaning which will cost you extra.

    The rates also increase when you demand special care. Think of old and cracked driveways. Fast and high-pressure cleaning might damage them even more. So, the cleaner takes a gentler and time-consuming approach which adds to your bill.

    Stamped or paved concrete driveways require special techniques when pressure cleaning. The same is true for asphalt driveways. So, expect higher charges in these cases.

    Exterior Walls

    An affordable pressure washing service in Brisbane charges around $350 for the exterior walls. This is the cost for the average one-story house. They expect the walls to have moderate mildew and dirt at this rate.

    Wall cleaning costs more than driveways because it’s more challenging. The cleaner has to get rid of the dirt while preserving the wall’s paint job. This requires more effort and expertise from the cleaner.

    The costs can also go up when you have taller walls. Here, the professional has to put in some extra work to properly clean the surface. They would also need special equipment like ladders or scaffolding. Plus, there are safety considerations.


    Brisbane cleaning rates for a patio are around $150-$170. It applies to average-size residential patios. The dirt build-up should be moderate. Also, the area should be free of obstacles. This means there should only be a few pieces of furniture in the area.

    Pressure cleaners usually charge less for wooden patios than concrete ones. The porous concrete can hold onto the food and drink stains more stubbornly. As a result, the cleaning service has to work harder. Cleaning sensitive wooden patios with intricate designs isn’t cheap though.

    Some patios have complex designs and no straightforward access. There might be too many plants and decorative structures in the area. The pressure cleaners will charge you more than the average in this case.


    A low-pitched roof with standard tiles costs around $150 to clean. The rates increase when you have a steeper roof. Working on a slippery sloping surface is risky for the cleaner. So, they charge you for the increased difficulty and expertise levels. Plus, they have to use special equipment.

    Shingle roofs need more care while cleaning than simple tiled ones. Meanwhile, roofs with complex designs have many hard-to-reach surfaces. So, you have to pay extra for them. The same applies if your roof has an overwhelming moss or algae growth. Costs can go up to $350 in such cases.

    Pressure Cleaning Cost

    Should Your Pressure Wash On Your Own?

    You might think why bother with a professional service at all? It’s much cheaper to rent a pressure cleaning machine and do it on your own. Well, there are several problems here. They range from property damage to personal injuries.

    Pressure Damages

    Professionals know the correct pressure settings for different surface types. This does not come from merely reading an instruction manual. It comes from years of experience. Amateurs lack such expertise. So, you are very likely to damage your surfaces when operating the machine.

    For instance, wood or shingles are sensitive to high pressure. Incorrect settings or a wrong nozzle can destroy these surfaces beyond repair. Amateurs might also chip away the paint from the walls while cleaning them.


    Pressure washers are serious tools. The powerful water stream can easily pierce the human body. You can get severe skin lacerations if not careful. Another probable injury during the task is slipping. This possibility increases when using soap and water or working on a roof. Professionals can avoid such accidents due to their experience.

    Water Damages

    Water residue is an important concern in pressure cleaning. There are many nooks and corners around the home which can hold onto water. For example, sidings, cracks, under shingles etc. This can lead to mould growth and rot. Professionals use correct techniques and aftercare to avoid this. Meanwhile, an amateur might completely overlook the issue.

    Harm the Environment

    Amateurs don’t have a sound knowledge of cleaning solutions. So, they might end up overusing these harsh chemicals. It’s also unlikely for them to dispose of these chemicals properly. This can lead to contamination of the soil and waterways. Your lawn can become permanently barren. Meanwhile, the existing vegetation will die soon too. Professional services help you avoid this.

    Subpar Results

    Professional pressure cleaners are doing the task every day. Amateurs are doing it once or twice a year. So, professionals can do a fine job with minimal effort.

    In comparison, amateurs can only achieve subpar despite best efforts. They will have streaks and patches all over the surface. Some parts of the area will be cleaner than others. The overall appearance is uneven and unattractive. That too after wasting so much time. Meanwhile, professionals are quick while leaving you with a uniform and high-quality finish.

    Final Words

    A clean home is mandatory for the well-being of your family. Also, a cleaner property sells at a higher price than a dirty one. So, hiring a professional pressure cleaner is surely a smart investment. Eco Cleaning Brisbane has been successfully serving the area for decades. We have 20+ years of experience. Our equipment and labour force are of the highest quality. We are experts in both residential and commercial cleaning. Contact us for a detailed quote. Don’t worry, we offer the cheapest rates in the area. 

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