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How to Tackle Stubborn Stains: End of Lease Cleaning Tips

Cleaning Advice / December 12, 2023


Moving out can be a whirlwind of packing, planning, and cleaning, especially when trying to secure the return of your rental deposit. The key lies in meticulous end-of-lease cleaning, with a special focus on stubborn stains that can make or break the landlord’s final inspection. This comprehensive guide, enriched with insights and techniques, will walk you through tackling tough stains during your end-of-lease cleaning journey, ensuring your rental looks as pristine as the day you moved in.

Stain Types and Treatments

Different stains require different treatments. Begin by identifying the stain type – whether it’s oil-based, protein-based, or tannin-based. Oil-based stains, commonly found in kitchens, respond well to degreasers and dish soap solutions. Protein-based stains like blood or sweat, often found on mattresses or upholstery, need enzyme-based cleaners. Tannin-based stains, such as coffee or wine spills, can be treated with vinegar or specialty stain removers.

Kitchen Stains: Grease and Grime

The kitchen, a hotspot for stubborn stains, can present challenges with grease and grime. Tackle these with a mixture of baking soda and dish soap to create a powerful yet gentle cleaning paste. For tougher stains, consider using a commercial degreaser, applying it as per the instructions, and giving it time to work before scrubbing. Remember to clean the oven, a commonly overlooked area, using a specialised oven cleaner or a baking soda-vinegar paste.

Bathroom Battles: Mold and Water Stains

Bathrooms often suffer from mold and water stains. To combat these, use a mixture of chlorine bleach and water for tiles and grout. For less harsh stains, hydrogen peroxide or a vinegar-water solution can be effective. Pay special attention to the shower area and any glass surfaces, using a squeegee and glass cleaner to remove water spots and soap scum.

Carpet Conundrums: Wine, Ink, and More

Carpets often bear the brunt of accidental spills. Immediate blotting is crucial to prevent the stain from setting. For wine stains, a solution of dish soap and hydrogen peroxide works wonders. Ink stains can be treated with isopropyl alcohol, dabbing gently until the stain lifts. For pet stains, enzyme-based cleaners are your best bet, neutralising odors and dissolving stains.

Wall Woes: Crayon Marks and Scuffs

Walls can get marked up, especially in homes with children. Crayon marks can be tackled with baking soda on a damp sponge. For scuffs or fingermarks, use a mild detergent solution, being careful not to saturate the wall and cause paint damage.

Natural Solutions for Eco-Friendly Cleaning

For those preferring eco-friendly solutions, ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice are not only effective but also environmentally friendly. A paste of baking soda and vinegar, for instance, can be used to clean ovens, countertops, and even carpets.

Innovative Cleaning Tools and Equipment

Incorporating innovative cleaning tools can significantly ease the cleaning process. Microfiber cloths, for instance, are excellent for dusting and polishing surfaces without leaving streaks. Steam cleaners can be a godsend for sanitising bathrooms and kitchens without harsh chemicals.

Professional Help: When to Call in the Experts

In some cases, professional cleaners might be necessary, especially for high-value or delicate items. Professionals have access to industrial-grade cleaners and equipment that can handle tougher stains or areas that require special care, like high ceilings or delicate upholstery.

Top Challenges in End of Lease Cleaning

One of the top challenges in end-of-lease cleaning is ensuring every nook and cranny is addressed to meet the landlord’s standards. This includes hidden areas like the tops of cabinets, inside appliances, and under furniture. For more insights on overcoming these challenges, refer to our article “Top Challenges In End Of Lease Cleaning.”


What is the most effective way to remove grease stains in the kitchen?

The most effective way to remove grease stains is to use a combination of baking soda and dish soap to create a paste. For tougher stains, a commercial degreaser may be necessary.

Can natural products be used effectively in end-of-lease cleaning?

Yes, natural products like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can be very effective for various cleaning tasks and are eco-friendly alternatives to chemical cleaners.

Should I hire a professional cleaner for end-of-lease cleaning?

While many tasks can be handled personally, hiring a professional cleaner can be beneficial for tackling difficult or delicate areas, ensuring a thorough clean that meets the landlord’s standards.

How can I ensure I get my full deposit back after end-of-lease cleaning?

Focus on thorough cleaning, especially in high-use areas like kitchens and bathrooms, and address any specific damage or wear and tear. Documenting the property’s condition before and after cleaning can also be helpful.

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