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  • What Causes Yellowing of Carpets and How to Reverse It?

    Cleaning Advice / January 23, 2024


    You want your carpets to look bright and fresh. However, over time, you may notice the carpet is yellowing. This not only affects the aesthetics but also hints at the presence of potential bacteria and other germs. The major reasons for carpet yellowing are exposure to direct sunlight and chemical residue on them. Other reasons include indoor smoking, use of hard water, and applying the wrong method. Steam cleaning, using baking soda and acid-based products, can help remove the yellow stains. Calling professional carpet cleaners is the best option when the stains get too stubborn.

    8 Reasons for Yellowing of Carpets

    Yellowing of carpets can happen for a number of reasons. You need to be aware of them for carpet maintenance.

    Sunlight Damage to Carpets

    Oxidation in carpets is the primary reason for residential carpet discolouration. Commonly used carpet fibres, such as nylon or cotton, are prone to damage if exposed to UV rays. These fibres in the carpet react with the sun’s UV rays. Over time, this process weakens the fabric and causes a change in colour. This effect of sunlight is known as photodegradation. It breaks down the chemical bonds in the carpet fibres and develops a yellowish tint. 

    Not Cleaning Carpets Regularly

    Carpets require frequent cleaning, especially the high-traffic carpet areas. You have to vacuum it on a regular basis and spot clean common stains, such as

    • Food spiles like coffee or juice
    • Pet urine stains
    • Mud tracked in from shoes
    • Ink or pet marks
    • Grease or oil stains from cooking

    Regular cleaning does not let the stains settle on the carpets. This helps prevent browning reactions and phenolic browning that often lead to yellow stains. Make sure you are following the right method for the cleaning. 

    Chemical Residue on Carpets

    If you are using chemical carpet cleaning solutions, then it can be the reason for the yellow carpet stains. Some cleaners have harsh chemicals that do not fully rinse out. This residue can build up over time and react with the fibres. Therefore, the yellow stains will appear even if you clean the carpet frequently. Besides, most chemical cleaning solutions contain perchloroethylene, which can affect your eyes, skin, liver, and kidneys. 

    Harsh Household Items

    You may not be using chemical cleaners, but there are still other household items that can be the culprit. Products like bleach, ammonia, and harsh detergents are too strong for carpets. Using them on the carpets can also affect the colour. Or, you may accidentally spill some of them on the carpet. Clean the carpet immediately and rinse with enough water. This will reduce the risk of yellowing. 

    Indoor Smoking

    About 11% of Australians smoke daily, according to the Statista. And many of them do it at home as well. It’s a bad habit that can also have an impact on your carpets. Smoke contains both tar and nicotine. These compounds can get in touch with the carpet and settle into the fibres. These particles build up and lead to a noticeable yellow tint. The more frequently you smoke at home, the quicker this discolouration occurs. If smoking is the primary cause, you may notice a strong odour. 

    Use of Hard Water

    Hard water contains a high level of calcium and magnesium. If you use hard water to clean carpets, these minerals can remain as residues and keep building up. These minerals also react with soaps and detergents, which makes it hard to fully rinse out cleaning solutions. This makes the carpets look dull and discoloured. 

    Following Wrong Cleaning Methods

    You need to use the right method for proper cleaning. Different fibres and carpet materials need different methods to follow. For example, using too much water during cleaning can lead to dampness and mould growth and cause discolouration. Again, if you don’t rinse the carpet properly, it will leave residue and cause yellowing. 

    Natural Ageing 

    Sometimes, yellowing does not occur due to any mistakes. Rather, it can be due to a natural process of ageing. With regular use, carpet fibres break down, lose their original colour and develop a yellow appearance. Even if you take proper care, it’s inevitable. Nonetheless, you can slow down the process with regular maintenance. 

    How to Fix Carpet Yellowing?

    Yellow stains are often not permanent. You can resolve them with some care. Here are some effective tips to get rid of the stains:

    Steam cleaning

    It’s a cleaning process that uses hot steam to clean the surfaces of carpets. The temperature in dry steam machines starts at approximately 120°C to 200°C, according to the European Cleaning Journal. You can remove dirt and stains through this method without using harsh chemicals. This is an effective method for removing yellow stains. Along with the yellow marks, it also cleans bacteria and other microorganisms. Cotton, sill, wool, and polyester are safe for steam cleaning. However, you must not apply steam to waxed fabrics and leather.

    Use Acid-Based Products

    Carpet yellowing can happen due to pH imbalance in carpet fibres, which is often caused by alkaline cleaning agents. Acid-based products can help restore balance and remove the yellow stains. Solutions like vinegar or citric acid neutralise the alkaline residue. Test on a small area first to ensure it won’t damage the carpet. 

    Baking Soda

    Baking soda is a simple way to help with reversing carpet stains. It absorbs moisture to control humidity and carpet yellowing. Sprinkle baking soda on the stained area and let it sit for a few hours. Finally, vacuum thoroughly to ensure no baking soda residue remains. It’s a natural solution to lift dirt, moisture, and reduce odour as well. 

    Dye Your Carpet

    Carpet dying refers to the process of applying dye to restore the colour of a carpet. You can do this at home by yourself or get professional help for a better result. Dying can be an effective solution for yellowing when the stains have become permanent, and other methods are not working. It’s a simple process to give the carpet a new look. You will need to find the right shade to match the original carpet colour. Clean the carpet properly before applying the colour to get the best result. 

    Call Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

    It can be overwhelming to deal with carpet yellowing if it happens in large areas. Or, you may not have the necessary skills and items to clean them. You can call professional North Brisbane carpet cleaners for the job. They have trained cleaners who understand how to deal with such issues. With advanced equipment, they can help you get stain-free, new-looking carpets. 

    Tips for Preventing Carpet Yellowing

    The yellowing of carpets can be challenging to deal with. Follow these carpet maintenance tips to prevent it from happening in the first place. 

    • Keep carpets away from direct sunlight. If sunlight is inevitable, then opt for materials that can withstand sunlight. Polyester, for example, can retain 67% of its strength even after continuous exposure to the sun for a year. 
    • Make sure to rinse the carpet thoroughly after cleaning with any solution. It’s safer to use eco-friendly green cleaning products. 
    • Avoid hard water for rinsing carpets. Use soft water instead. 
    • Vacuum your carpets regularly and clean spills or food scraps immediately to prevent them from settling in. 
    • Avoid smoking inside the house or at least stay away from the carpet. 

    Final Thought

    Yellow stains on the carpet are not a pleasing sight to see. Beware of the causes and take necessary precautions for prevention. If it still occurs, try baking soda, acidic cleaner, or dyeing. If you are overwhelmed by the tasks, you had better call Eco Cleaning Brisbane. We have 20+ years of experience in dealing with stubborn stains using only eco-friendly cleaning products. Our expert cleaners inspect the conditions and choose the right method to give you a stain-free carpet that complements the indoor environment. 

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